Inflation in Costa Rica reached 0.031TDP3T in July, after 13 months in negative numbers

Inflation in Costa Rica reached 0.03% in July 2024, marking the first time in 13 months that the index registered positive values. This increase is due to variations in the prices of products such as onions, tuna, electricity and lodging services, while products such as gasoline and tourist packages dropped in price.....

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Inflation in Costa Rica reached 0.03% in July 2024, marking the first time in 13 months that the index registered positive values. This increase is due to variations in the prices of products such as onions, tuna, electricity, and lodging services, while products such as gasoline and tourist packages decreased in price. Despite the improvement, inflation is still far from the tolerance range of the Central Bank, which expects to stabilize it within the range in 2025.

Interested parties may send their comments to the following e-mail address tributacionInter@hacienda.go.crThe Company's financial statements for the year ended July 31, 2024 at the latest.

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