Through the publication of Executive Decree No. 44328-H, the exempt base of the solidarity tax for the strengthening of housing programs, popularly known as "Tax on luxury houses" was updated for the period 2024, which suffered a decrease compared to last year, going from one hundred and forty eight million colones (148,000,000.00) to one hundred and forty five million colones (145,000,000.00).
In accordance with the above, the owners of a real estate property for residential use that exceeds the value of one hundred and forty five million colones (145,000,000.00), are subject to the tax, which has a progressive tax rate that goes from 0.25% to 0.55%, tax that must be paid before January 15, 2024.
Finally, it is important to remember that this tax must be declared and updated every 3 years, the 2024 tax period is within the three-year period of 2022, 2023 and 2024, in which case if you have previously complied with this obligation you should not file the declaration, however, if you are a new taxpayer of this tax, you must comply with this obligation and the respective payment of the tax before January 15 of the current year.