Law to facilitate the regularization of tax status in support of formality and economic reactivation enters into force

The purpose of the Law is to amend the Law to temporarily substitute the application of the sanction of business closure and facilitation of VAT payment in sectors severely impacted by the sanitary restriction. The objective is to allow the substitution of the business closure sanction for the payment of a fine according to...

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The purpose of the Law is to amend the Law to temporarily substitute the application of the sanction of closing businesses and facilitating the payment of VAT in sectors severely impacted by the sanitary restriction. The objective is to allow the substitution of the business closure sanction for the payment of a fine according to the type of taxpayer, as well as to enable the possibility of requesting payment installments to VAT debtors.

Interested parties may send their comments to the following e-mail address tributacionInter@hacienda.go.crThe Company's financial statements for the year ended July 31, 2024 at the latest.

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