Tax on luxury homes

The tax must be paid within the first 15 calendar days of the corresponding tax period (no later than January 15 of each year).

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New Year's greetings and best wishes to you and your families and companies. This year ICS, the firm I founded with two other partners in 1993, turns 30. As an entrepreneur, I look back and think of all that we have done and I am excited to think of all that we are doing and all that is to come. With the difficulties that the system constantly poses for those of us who are entrepreneurs, having a clear objective and being based on values to decide the various alternatives that are presented in the decisions to be made, have been our guides in ICS. I share this joy with you, who week after week honor me with reading what I write. Thank you.

Today I would like to share some information about the Solidarity Tax for the strengthening of housing programs, created in November 2008 through the Law 8683which went into effect in October 2009. It is known as the tax on luxury homes.

The Tax must be paid within the first 15 calendar days of the corresponding tax period (no later than January 15 of each year). For the year 2023, due to the fact that January 15 is a Sunday, the formal and material obligation is moved to Monday, January 16, 2023.

The taxable base of the tax is defined progressively through the use of a scale of rates, which contemplates an exempt base of ₡148 000 000 (One hundred forty-eight million colones) for the 2023 tax period, in accordance with the provisions of Executive Decree No. 43852-H published in Scope 282 of the Official Gazette La Gaceta on December 23, 2022.

The tax is levied on the taxable value above this amount, the applicable rates ranging from 0.25% to 0.55%.

The value of the real estate is determined based on the ownership or title of a right of use, enjoyment or enjoyment of a real estate property for residential, occasional or recreational use, both fixed and permanent installations, and is quantified according to the tax value of the property and its respective buildings.

To determine the value of the real estate property, the parameters established by the General Directorate of Taxation are used, which are indicated in the Manual of Unit Base Values by Constructive Typology, in the case of buildings and facilities, as well as in the valuation models to determine the value of the land where they are located.

The tax return must be filed every 3 years within the first 15 calendar days of January of the corresponding tax period, the current 2022 return covers the years 2022, 2023 and 2024, therefore for the year 2023 it is only required to comply with the material tax obligation and not to declare the value.

ICS attorney Leonardo Ávila collaborated in the compilation and drafting of this data.

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