Treasury will audit the behavior of financial entities with accounts of non-domiciled persons in Costa Rica.

The Costa Rican Ministry of Finance will begin to supervise financial institutions that handle accounts of non-domiciled persons, in compliance with OECD standards. The supervisions will be based on risk criteria, selecting institutions with the highest number of reported accounts and those with inconsistencies in the information. The...

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The Costa Rican Ministry of Finance will begin to supervise financial institutions that handle accounts of non-domiciled persons, in compliance with OECD standards. The supervisions will be based on risk criteria, selecting institutions with the highest number of reported accounts and those with inconsistencies in the information. The objective is to prevent tax evasion and ensure the correct collection and transmission of financial data from tax residents in other jurisdictions.

Interested parties may send their comments to the following e-mail address tributacionInter@hacienda.go.crThe Company's financial statements for the year ended July 31, 2024 at the latest.

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